Special Trade-In Promotion

Find out more about the latest trade in promotions on our latest Smart series of Kemp Water Ionizers, available from counter-top to under-sink and hot and cold dispenser.

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Go Alkaline

Our rapidly growing economy has dramatically improved our standard of living and changed our lifestyles. Modern diets consist of 70-80% acid-forming foods.  Most of us may consume too much acid-forming foods, such as meats, dairy products, alcohol, processed foods etc, and not enough alkaline-forming foods like vegetables and fresh fruits. Consuming excessive acid-forming foods may disrupt our bodily healthy pH balance.


Poor diets can cause acidic wastes to be stored in the body.  When acidic wastes enter our blood stream, it distorts the narrow pH range in our body. Storing these acidic wastes in various parts of the body may contribute to various degenerative diseases.

Hence consuming excessive acid-forming foods may be the major factor affecting our health.


As you may be aware, our body mainly consists of water (60% to 70%).  Maintaining our body fluid pH balance is of paramount important to ensure a healthy body.


Alkaline Ionized Water produced by a Water Ionizer has an alkaline pH range of 8.5 to 11, which is similar to the pH of vegetables and fresh fruits. The alkaline minerals in Alkaline Ionized Water is in ionized form (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+), and they can be easily absorbed by our body for maintaining body fluid pH balance, dissolving acidic deposits, as well as for building strong bones and teeth.



Alkaline Ionized Water Benefits!

pH Balance

A Key to Healthy Living

The human body tends to maintain body fluid at pH 7.35 according to the homeostasis function. It tries to maintain the balance of each organ with alkaline body fluid of pH 8.8 from the pancreas as the peak. However, a consistent acidic condition will result in lowering one’s immune system. Alkaline ionized water with pH 8.5-11 helps to counter the harmful effects of acidic wastes build-up.

Abundant antioxidant (-ORP)

Combats Free radicals

Imagine having the ability to convert normal tap or filtered water into antioxidant water with a negative oxidation reduction potential (-ORP) that retards the ageing process. A high or rising positive ORP (+ORP) causes oxidation that in turn causes ageing. The –ORP from an ionizer is effective in counteracting this process. Alkaline ionized water renews our bodies at the cellular level. This is as close as it gets to reach the Fountain of Youth!

Alkaline ionized minerals (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+)

Restore pH balance

Alkaline ionized water gives you minerals in ionized form that are easily assimilated into the body. These ionized minerals are not only good for building strong bones and teeth, but they are also vital in dissolving acidic deposits at joints that may cause various problems such as Arthritis, Gout and Rheumatism.

Micro Cluster Water

Better Hydration & Detoxification

One of the functions of water is the removal of waste and toxics, which alkaline ionized water helps with quickly. With its smaller water clusters and the ability of hydrogen to neutralize hydroxyl radicals into water, this becomes a great transport system in excreting waste matter from the body rapidly.  This helps the body to detoxify and provides for better hydration.

Additionally, the use of alkaline ionized water is great in food and beverage preparation because it helps dishes and drinks to taste more flavourful and decreases the rate of decay!

Hydrogen Water (H2)

Assisting Collagen Growth

Activated Hydrogen has been tested and proven to be able to stimulate type 1 collagen production which helps to reduce wrinkles and enables more supple and radiant skin when alkaline ionized water is directly applied to it!


Uses of Alkaline Ionized Water

Uses of Acidic Water

Our Satisfied Customers

Did you know?

  • Kemp Singapore has been serving Singapore’s customers for over 36 years in Singapore.
  • Kemp Singapore is CaseTrust Accredited since year 2011.
  • Water Ionizer producing Alkaline Ionized Water has been approved as a medical device
    by the Ministry of Health in Japan (1966) and Korea FDA (1970) till
  • The endorsement is especially for its effectiveness against chronic diarrhoea, indigestion,
    abnormal stomach or intestine fermentation, acid control, and acid indigestion.
  • All Kemp Water Ionizers are imported from Korea, tested and certified by the Korea FDA
    and manufactured under Medical Device Certification ISO 13485.

Certifications & Accreditations

Seeing is Believing! View our Product Demo

-ORP Test (Antioxidant)

pH Alkalinity Test

Dissolved Hydrogen Test

Hydrogen Meter Test

Smaller Water Clusters

Chlorine Test